In this past decade, Bulgaria has seen an increase in gambling activities. On land and over the Internet, the offer of entertainment services is a kind of pleasure that could become a dangerous addiction, especially with the growing popularity of online casinos like sportingbull. The full guide provides insight into the exact places to find responsible gambling resources within Bulgaria so that the family members, individuals, and professionals are much better placed with the knowledge of ways that are safer in order to traverse the landscape.

The Growing Landscape of Gambling in Bulgaria

According to H2 Gambling Capital [1], the Gross Gambling Revenue (GGR) is forecast to increase and reach €424m by 2023. From increasing disposable income to ease in access to online platforms and providing a larger spectrum to one to gamble, this country is definitely witnessing a major surge in gambling.

Understanding Gambling Addiction

While the majority of gamblers gamble for recreational activities, some of them become problem gamblers. Problem gambling is a disorder that is related to uncontrollable impulses to gamble, regardless of the consequences that gambling would bring to an individual or even to his surrounding people [2]. Symptoms that would probably appear when getting addicted to gambling:

  • Preoccupation with gambling thoughts and activities
  • Increased financial problems due to gambling
  • Lying to family and friends about gambling habits
  • Strained relationships due to gambling
  • Chasing losses by gambling more
  • Difficulty controlling gambling urges

The Importance of Responsible Gambling Practices

Responsible gambling is all about maintaining control and minimising risks. Here are some key practices to adopt:

  • Set Limits: Before engaging in any gambling activity, decide your affordable loss and stick with it.
  • Time Limits: Allocate a specific timeframe for gambling and be disciplined about adhering to it.
  • Take Breaks: Step away from gambling regularly to avoid getting caught up in the moment.
  • Seek Alternatives: Explore other forms of entertainment and relaxation when the urge to gamble arises.
  • Self-Assessment Tools: Utilise online resources or apps to assess your gambling habits and identify potential risks.

Resources for Responsible Gambling in Bulgaria

If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, several resources are available in Bulgaria:

National Revenue Agency (NRA): The NRA is a body that does, among other things, regulate and control gambling in Bulgaria. The NRA has assigned a special website to the phenomenon of responsible gaming [3]. There is an explanation of the legal framework, an indication for self-exclusion from the gambling establishments, and the contact of the help line from the National Center for Public Health and Analyses (0888 99 18 66).

International Sources: Some of the best international resources come in the form of materials from organisations like GamCare ( and National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) (, most of which can be translated into Bulgarian.

Support Groups: In the territory of Bulgaria, there could be not so many support groups, especially invented for gamblers. Many forums and communities are existing online, which could provide the user with feelings of support and connection.

Case Study: The Road to Recovery

Peter (the name is changed because of privacy) is a 35-year-old architect from Sofia. He had the idea of the spiral of playing for money and first, from time to time, bet on sports, and then all this went into online casinos. Stopped working totally, took loans, and was just deceiving his family. That day, which became the turning point in his life, he lost his big savings in one of the online slot games. Ashamed and desperate, Peter decided to call the National Helpline (0888 99 18 66) for the first time in his life. He was referred for primary counselling and subsequently to a specialised addiction treatment centre. Through therapy and support groups, Peter learned to manage his addiction and rebuild his life.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

With such resources, however, there still are some challenges that responsible gambling in Bulgaria faces. Stigmas linked with addiction might keep people from finding help. Once again, there is no guarantee that treatment resources are evenly available across the country.


While gambling may be fun for some, it should be practised responsibly. Responsible gambling should protect the self and one’s family against eventual harm and be aware of the risks that could arise. Help is available for yourself or that loved one in their gambling addiction. Reach out and take the first step towards a better and wholesome life.

