After the interview, you usually analyze what happened. Don’t have a good feeling? This is how you can tell if the company is not interested. It is not always about your score at online poker. But do not feel ashamed or think it is your fault that you might not get a job. Sometimes the expectations do not match or you just would not feel comfortable in this company. There can be many reasons and none of them are really personal.
You have looked at several job advertisements and sent many applications. You have not received answers to most of the applications. Then, finally, you are invited to an interview. You have prepared well, you know the company and you have also dealt with strange questions. In the end, you still leave the interview with an uneasy feeling. If you notice that the company is not interested in you, you will learn below.
You can always get excited in exam situations, and the job interview is also a kind of exam in which you should be prepared for a wide variety of things. On the one hand, you should have familiarized yourself with the company and the position for which you have applied. On the other hand, you should of course be able to explain your resume. In the interview, your body language will also be taken into account, so you should also think about how you want to appear. Despite all the preparation, something can always go wrong, of course, and you have to expect a rejection. Reasons for this could be, for example, that your nervousness threw a spanner in the works and you appeared to your interviewer as if you had not prepared yourself sufficiently.
If you did not show up on time for the interview, this may be a reason for rejection. It’s better to familiarize yourself with the route in advance so you can estimate how much time you should allow for travel. Other reasons for a job rejection after an interview could include:
Unexcused absence: Illness, train strike or broken car – report to the company immediately if you are unable to make the appointment.
Impolite greeting: among other things, personnel officers criticize a lack of eye contact.
No interest: You convey that you are not interested in the employer. This can happen, for example, if you do not ask any questions or if you have prepared too little.
Doubts about your application documents: You cannot answer questions about your application documents? This has a deterrent effect. Think about gaps in your resume and how you can justify them.
Lack of diligence: Do you look tired and sleepy? These are bad signs for your interviewer. Make sure you are fit for the appointment. You should also pay attention to appropriate clothing and a well-groomed appearance.
Lack of posture: Are you not facing your conversation partner, do you have no posture on the chair or are you leaning on the table with your elbows, bored? These are not good signs – you should also refrain from glancing at your watch.
Distraction: It’s best to put your smartphone on silent for the duration of the interview and pay no attention to it.
Overconfidence: If you are too arrogant and full of yourself during the interview, you risk rejection.
Too high salary expectations: The question about your own salary expectations may come up, prepare yourself properly and compare industry-standard information with your own qualifications.
What if you are not allowed to ask any questions? This is a sign that they are not really interested in you or think you do not fit. Likewise, the process itself may convey to you that your counterpart does not see you as a new employee in the company. If the interview is rather short, this can be a first indication of a rejection. Normally, in such interviews you will always be asked if you have any questions yourself and there you should always express your interest by asking questions. If this does not happen, it is a bad sign. Also, if you receive tips on how to perform better in the future, this is a very clear sign that the job will not work out for you, informs the portal Mybusiness Mentor.
So if these signs happened to you you will most likely get a rejection. Hopefully the company will be fair enough to call and let you know. There are sometimes firms that do not even call after an interview with questions for weeks until you finally realize that you did not get that job. But do not get sad over this. It happens. You are not the first and for sure not the last one to whom such a thing can happen. The best advice is to keep going! It is always better to apply for several different positions in diverse companies. In the end you will find the perfect match and get a job. Be patient. Sometimes it takes more time than we would like to. But in the meantime you can spend your time with something else. Like learning a new skill that will help you in future job interviews. There are always things to learn and develop yourself.
In the end it is up to you.